We’ve woken up inspired this morning ✨
One of our all time greats, the GOAT of influencer & indie beauty is taking her power back and we couldn’t be more excited 💫
Huda Kattan has regained her throne not just at Huda Beauty but we feel over the Beauty Universe overall but what can we learn from her journey?
Failing? Well, fail fast!
We use the term “failing” lightly here! Huda Beauty were still the no1 searched brand on TikTok for 2023, still grossing millions in sales and still launching products we love but from her video below, there were several moves that went against her gut and what she believed was best for her brand.
Knowing when something isn’t working and taking the action to change it, is the bravest decision in business. We have many worries about what others will think, our legacy and losing the time & money invested but if we continue down the wrong path, these worries will become realities. Facing them and getting ahead gives you control of the narrative and outcome. It will also end sleepless nights and anxious days
Redirects also give birth to amazing businesses, products and ideas. Realigning, taking that pivotal step can change the course of everything and have you looking back in 12 months, reaping the success of what you have sown
Not Every Brand Should Be Corporate
The next lesson is that some brands just need to keep their start up roots. Investment and growth can bring pressure and has founders doubting they are the right person to lead but they are often the DNA of the brand and without them, the secret source is missing. You don’t need to be a business expert to succeed. Often it is this lack of knowledge that allowed you the freedom to make decisions no one else is and often this is the reason the brand blew up in the first place. Without this, why people feel in love with you, fades into memory. Never lose site of who you are and where you’ve come from. Keep your brands values at your core and grow with your beginnings at the heart of your brand
Don’t get attached!
We are beyond excited for a new visual identity for Huda Beauty. We don’t know how we will cope with the wait!
What we do know is your brand will grow and you need to grow with it. Getting attached to colours and logos can hold us back, especially when it’s not aligned to our consumer
It’s also know when a product or a launch hand worked, letting it go and allowing for new and better products to come in its place
Overall we are in awe of Huda Kattan Mona Monica Kattan and all they have achieved. We can wait to see what 2024 brings. It’s no coincidence that is the year of the Dragon, the year of transformation. We love you guys 🫶🏻
P.s please bring back the overachiever concealer, sincerely everyone 😉
Catch the full video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C35ouZkNilf/?igsh=ZjJ5MGUxdTNxbjlk
Feeling like your brand needs a pivot? Lets go. Lets jump on a call and get your brand in the energy of the dragon for 2024. Drop us a DM or say hello@wearealtitude.co.uk
Source: @hudabeauty & @huda on instagram.